DMT, infinite love and my journey into the vast expanse of divine consciousness.

Monday, July 6, 2009


"Today, a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration — that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."

Bill Hicks.

It was hard to breathe into it. Then the patterns began. I said to myself, "Let me go through you."
At that point it opened, and I was very much somewhere else. I believe
it was at that point that I went out, into the universe—being, dancing with,
a star system.

The colors kept telling me things, but they were telling
me things so I not only heard what I was seeing, but also felt it in my cells.
I say "felt," but it was like no other "felt," more like a knowing that was
happening in my cells. That God is in everything and that we are all connected,
and that God dances in every cell of life, and that every cell of life
dances in God.

In a letter she sent several days later, Cleo wrote,

"I am changed. I will never be the same. To simply say this almost seems
to lessen the experience. I don't think that anyone hearing or reading this
can truly grasp what I felt, can really understand it deeply and completely.
The euphoria goes on into eternity. And I am part of that eternity."

How beautiful!

In order to establish the close similarities between spiritual experience
and what is possible with the spirit molecule, I will first review briefly the
features of a mystical experience.
The three pillars of self, time, and space all undergo profound transfiguration
in a mystical experience.
There no longer is any separation between the self and what is not the
self. Personal identity and all of existence become one and the same. In
fact, there is no "personal" identity because we understand at the most
basic level the underlying unity and interdependence of all existence.
Past, present, and future merge together into a timeless moment, the
now of eternity. Time stops, inasmuch as it no longer "passes." There is
existence, but it is not dependent upon time. Now and then, before and
after, all combine into this exact point. On the relative level, short periods
of time encompass enormous amounts of experience.
As our self and time lose their boundaries, space becomes vast. Like
time, space is no longer here or there but everywhere, limitless, without
edges. Here and there are the same. It is all here.
In this infinitely vast time and space with no limited serf, we hold up to
examination all contradictions and paradoxes and see they no longer conflict.
We can hold, absorb, and accept everything our mind conjures up:
good and evil, suffering and happiness, small and large. We now are certain
that consciousness continues after the body dies, and that it existed long
before this particular physical form. We see the entire universe in a blade of
grass and know what our face was like before our parents met.
Extraordinarily powerful feelings surge through our consciousness.
We are ecstatic, and the intensity of this joy is such that our body cannot
contain it—it seems to need a temporarily disembodied state. While the
bliss is pervasive, there's also an underlying peace and equanimity that's
not affected by even this incredibly profound happiness.
There is a searing sense of the sacred and the holy. We contact an
unchanging, unborn, undying, and uncreated reality. It is a personal encounter
with the "Big Bang," God, Cosmic Consciousness, the source of
all being. Whatever we call it, we know we have met the fundamental
bedrock and fountainhead of existence, one that emanates love, wisdom,
and power on an unimaginable scale.
We call it "enlightenment" because we encounter the white light of
creation's majesty. We may meet guides, angels, or other disembodied
spirits, but we pass them all as we merge with the light. Our eyes now,
finally, are truly open, and we see things clearly in a "new light."
The import and momentousness of the experience stands alone in our
history. It may serve to focus the rest of our life toward the completion,
filling out, and working through of the insights obtained.

The other side is very, very different. There are no words, body, or sounds
there to limit things.

"the collapse
of space/time perception, a sense of entering other dimensions of
reality or universes . . . a feeling of connection with all of creation."

Taken from DMT, The Spirit Molecule, Rick Strassman, MD.

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